Apparently a lot of real estate agents have discovered email flyers. Everyday for the last couple of months my inbox is crammed with email flyers from Realtors advertising their listings. Like it or not I get 30, 40 or more of these things every day. And while they may be cheaper and easier to send than snail mail flyers, they're not very effective. 95% of them are for homes that are in areas of Tucson that I don't do business in - the Southwest, southeast, Vail, central Tucson, and on and on. So they mean nothing to me, they're just more meaningless advertising. And because there are so many of these untargeted flyers coming at me everyday, I have to just batch delete them, and in the process not get to see those few that may be of interest to me. Besides, the formatting and headlines are all just slight variations on the same theme, so they're really monotonous and very forgettable. Somebody sold these agents a bill of goods.
But this next one caught my eye |
I've never had a Harley, but every now and then I think about having one.
Furnishings For Them/Harley for you! A Must See!
But what's the Must See? The Furnishings, The Harley, or what. The flyer goes on to explain that the buyers will get the furnishings that have been left behind in the house, supposedly a 20K value, and the agent will get the Harley Davidson motorcycle that's in the garage, a 5K value. And aside from the very glaring and cheap bribe, your first impression has to be that this must be a terrible house since the whole proposition is based on some leftover used furniture and a Harley. So now you're target is someone who's really smitten by this used furniture, digs Harleys, and is willing to take the house in the bargain.
How embarassing. It's hard to believe this ad got published.