Josias Joesler is the Swiss born architect, who together with the developer John Murphey, conceived, designed and built the original Catalina Foothills subdivisions in the Tucson Foothills in the 1930's and 40's.
And while the homes that Joesler built are very special and are sought after to this day, it can be difficult to find the ones that are for sale using any of the home search tools available on the internet, including mine.
That's because you can't enter Joesler, or any other architects name as one of your search criteria - like you can the number of bedrooms or baths, square footage, etc.
And the only way that a home is identified as a Joesler in the listing information, is in the agent's MLS remarks, and you can't search those either.
But here's what you can do to narrow down your search and make sure you find all the Joesler's that are for sale.
It's a little tedious, but it works.
-If you're searching from my web site, click Custom Search, then
Steps 1 - 3 should all be pre-selected already, but if they're not,
-In step 1, enter- Tucson Region
-Step 2, enter- Greater Tucson Area
-Step 3, enter- North for the city (that's the Foothills)
-For Built Between, enter 1920 to 1960 (though most Joesler's were built between 1930 & 1950, he built a few before & after his prime years.
-Under Property Type, select- Single Family
-You can leave all the other criteria blank.
-Click Search
Using that search today, ten listings are returned. Four of them are Joesler's. In order to pick the Joesler's out of those ten, - here's where it gets tedious- you'll need to open each listing to find what you're looking for. There you can read the MLS remarks where it will say " ...wonderful Joesler..." or "... back in time to this Joesler estate..." or something like that identifying that house as a Joesler. You'll also get the occasional " Joesler-like " which is, according to the agent, sorta like a Joesler, but not.
For more on Josias Joesler,
Designed by the architect Josias Joesler in 1936, it was set on 12 acres,
Joesler homes & Catalina Foothills on National Register of Historic Places
For Joesler fans
Joesler, popular as ever in Tucson Foothills
built for the desert
A Tucson Classic
and see
to search for and learn more about Tucson Foothills Homes