"Not all places are created equal when it comes to weathering economic woes like the current real estate slump, credit crunch and slowing job market. Choosing the wrong place could carry serious ramifications"
From an article in SmartMoney, the Wall Street Journal magazine of personal finance and investing, that has named Tucson, AZ one of the 7 places to retire during an economic downturn.
7 Places to Retire During an Economic Downturn
Unlike other lists of ' best places to do this or that', and because SmartMoney is a magazine of personal finance, the focus here is on choosing cities not only based on lifestyle and a sunny climate and such, but on making a choice that makes good economic sense.
"Tucson is a dynamic, growing retirement spot ..."
"Expect real estate prices to remain solid, thanks to increasing interest in the area ..."
7 Places to Retire During an Economic Downturn
see TheFoothillsToday.com
to search for and learn more about Tucson Foothills Homes