I often read about a lack of real trophy homes, you know, mega homes, $20,000,000 and up, for sale in places like New York, Beverly Hills, Palm Beach and so on. The real estate agents in these places are often heard complaining in the pages of The New York Times or the WSJ that they have plenty of buyers, but there just aren't enough of these real trophy properties to go round.
We have a similar problem here in the Foothills. While we have a lot of spectacular luxury homes for sale, maybe even too many at the moment, we don't have anything that qualifies in the category of mega trophy home.
We did, but not anymore. For the last few years Campbell Cliffs was for sale for $22,000,000. At 25,000 sq. ft. on 20 acres of pristine desert high in the Catalina Foothills, Campbell Cliffs was by far the largest, the most dramatic, exotic, and expensive home for sale in all of Tucson. A world class trophy home. But it's been quietly taken off the market. Take a look, Campbell Cliffs
Because we have nothing to offer in the mega home department, the Tucson Foothills are completely off the map for the growing class of super rich home buyers. And these days the super rich come from all over the world to buy their 3rd, 4th or 5th home in the US.
While most of us compare prices and $$/sq ft, and negotiate to get the best deal possible, the super rich are only interested in finding another great trophy home to compliment their lifestyle and reflect their status.
And aside from price being low on their list of considerations, $22,000,000 is a drop in the bucket for these buyers.