I came across an article from Bankrate.com that offers some good common-sense advice about how local real estate markets often perform very differently from what's happening nationally.
Just so happens that the article also fits in nice 'n neatly with my post from yesterday, we've had our ups and downs in the Tucson Foothills, but
From Bankrate.com
When will YOUR housing market recover?
' Pundits love to make predictions as to when home prices will stabilize in U.S. housing markets. But even well-respected forecasters and analysts may disagree, and even if a forecast proves true nationally, your local market may behave in a wildly different way. This disconnect between broad-stroke forecasts and small-scale local markets presents quite a puzzle for homebuyers and home sellers, who need to make major financial decisions on the basis of facts, not fiction.'
' ...the national housing market is more than large enough to encompass a wide variety of trends in different places and on different timelines '
Read it here, When will YOUR housing market recover?
see my web site thefoothillsToday.com
to search for and learn more about Tucson Foothills Homes