Here's a quick snapshot of what's happening right now in the Tucson Foothills real estate market.
The following data is for activity during the past 14 days for single family homes.
1. 566 homes for sale in the foothills today priced from
$205,000 to $6,000,000
2. 17 Sold, priced from $181,000 to $1,475,000
3. 23 have gone under contract priced from $285,000 to $1,549,000
4. 64 price reductions, from $205,000 to $2,779,000
5. 52 new listings, 39 of those are actually NEW listings,
the remaining 13 are homes that were previously listed,
then withdrawn or expired, and then re-listed.
6. For homes priced $0 to $999,999, there are 419 for sale, and at
the current rate of sales there is 8.9 months of inventory.
For homes priced $1,000,000 and UP there are 147 for sale, and
24.5 months of inventory, based on current sales.
6 months of inventory is considered normal.
It's a long, hot, and thankfully, wet summer. Enjoy it!
see my web site
to search for and learn more about Tucson Foothills Homes