I was just in the MLS reviewing the latest housing action in the Tucson Foothills, seeing all the new listings, homes gone under contract, price reductions, etc, when one of the homes listed under price reductions caught my eye.
PRICE REDUCED - $2,780,000 to $2,779,999. Who's kidding who.
A $1.00 price reduction. $1.00. These teeny-weeny price reductions, this one's the teeny-weeniest I've ever seen, are an annoying
(and ill-fated) ploy by a few agents to keep their listings in your face. Do you wonder why this house has been on the market for 162 days, and counting.
Meanwhile, in the 'priced to sell is the new black' department, another home that was well-priced from the start, at $1,495,000, went under contract in just 9 days. No price reductions, no pussyfooting around, just priced to sell ...
see my web site thefoothillsToday.com
to search for and learn more about Tucson Foothills Homes