for the period of Jan 1 to September 23, 2008 vs. same period in 2007
1. 543 homes are for sale today in the Tucson Foothills
2. 407 sold since 1/1/08 vs. - 493 same period last year = -17%
3. 121 sold in gated communities, 286 sold in non-gated areas
4. 334 single story homes sold & 73 two story homes sold
5. 214 homes sold had a pool, 193 did not
6. The average sale price is $634,922 vs $679,182 last year = -6.5%
7. The median sale price is $525,000 vs $548,500 last year = -4.2%
8. Avg sale price=$652,077 in District 16, $609,761 out of District 16
9. Avg $/sq.ft. = $216.02 vs $240.37/sq.ft. last year = -10%
Since I last reported these figures on 8/26/08, sales have remained fairly consistent, but the average, median and the avg $/sq. ft. costs have all inched down a bit -both for the year, and vs last year.
And for the bigger picture, prices for single family homes in the Tucson Foothills are down just 9.7% from their peak year in 2006 - $703,616 in 2006, $634,922 so far this year.
But of course we've yet to see what the effects will be from the recent collapse of our venerable wizards on wall street.
So stay tuned.
**this data is for single family homes only - no town homes, no condos - listed,sold,etc. in the Tucson Foothills Jan 1 - Sept 23, 07 & 08. All data was gathered from the Tucson Association of Realtors® Multiple Listing Service.
see my web site
to search for and learn more about Tucson Foothills Homes