Even accounting for a good dose of greed, this is a little hard to believe. How do I start.
The subject is a house in Finisterra that today, has once again been listed for sale. This time for $1,549,500.
The house last sold in December 2004 for $1,170,000.
And then, and apparently after some powerful smoke was blown around the table, it went back on the market seven months later for the arrogantly ridiculous price of $2,650,000.
That's not a typo, they listed it for $2,650,000, 7 months later.
To justify that price they said it had a complete remodel, but it didn't, not even close. It was more like a freshening up, a little here a little there. That's it.
Six months of that and of course no sale. So they took it off the market and waited until the market was really losing air before they put it back on again, in February 2007. And in a confounding strategic move, instead of lowering the price, they raised it $300,000, to $2,950,000.
So still no takers. So they got a new agent and reduced the price to $2,370,000. But talk about timing, they waited to do that until right after the mortgage mess hit in August 2007.
And again, no sale. So they got yet another new agent and reduced the price to $2,200,000. But by then it was January 2008. Way too late, they'd missed the boat.
Now they're on their fourth agent and the price is $1,549,500, but it's not their problem anymore. It's our problem. Because now the bank owns it, it's a foreclosure. In Finisterra. This house was carefully guided, step-by-step into foreclosure- through greed, ignorance, bad advice or all of the above.
And the lender, No Red Tape Mortgage. I swear.
See the listing HERE
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