Perusing the Tucson MLS this morning I see a quite a few new listings and price reductions for the last 24 hours in the Tucson Foothills. Eight new listings - 6 of which are actually new - the other two are just re-listed for another go at it.
But two of the new ones are worth noting for their more rational pricing. 6595 E Placita Alhaja in Cimarron Foothills Estates just sold for $785,000 three months ago, and for some reason it went back on the market today listed for $800,000. And that's going to be an expensive change of plans. And in the scheme of things that's pretty good pricing, because most sellers would have listed it for $850,000 or more, because they expect to come out of it whole. However unlikely that might be.
And apparently deciding to take their lumps sooner rather than later, the owners of 4910 E Oakmont Dr in Skyline Country Club listed their house for $680,000 today, even though they paid $750,000 for it three years ago. OUCH!
NOTE- both of the homes above are range priced. For my take on range pricing see> range priced homes in the Tucson Foothills
And there were nine price reductions, all of them pretty much routine -except for 3550 E Camino A Los Vientos which has come way down in price in the 2 + years that it's been on the market. This is a new builder spec home in Eleven Arches off Hacienda del Sol.
It started out at $2,450,000 in December 2005 (at which point it wasn't much more than a hole in the ground) and over the next two years the price see-sawed up and down, though mostly down.
But getting serious, they've now lopped $499,000 off the price.
It's gone from $1,999,000 to $1,500,000. And if this is your cup of tea- new construction, 4885 sq. ft., 4 bedrooms/4.5 baths, pool, etc., on 1.46 acres in the heart of the Foothills, I'd say it's now finally getting into the strike zone.
And one more. The owners of 2230 E Camino El Ganado finally got serious too. Listed for $995,000 two years ago, this is a really nice house in a terrific Foothills location, but at that price it was worth a look, but not an offer. And though they dragged their feet, the owners finally got it, and reduced it to $775,000 recently,
and presto, it went under contract a couple of weeks ago.
And having now passed the final hurdles, it went PENDING today. Congratulations!
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