6 homes priced at a million and up were listed for sale in the last 7 days. 5 are actual new listings with 1 re-list.
Worth mentioning is 6015 N Camino Preciado, listed for $3,450,000, which immediately, upon being listed, went to contract. That makes two in one week, but what else could it be but another inside job. It’s a brand spanking new house in La Paloma Estates, 7266 sf/4beds/6 baths/masonry construction/4 car garage/$475/sf as listed. Whoa, that’ll pull up the averages.
Then there’s 6160 N Calle De La Culebra in Shadow Hills which, though it’s a high-end designer remodel + an addition, at $1,999,000, has got to be a record price for Shadow Hills.
Also in that group is 3260 E Sun Cloud Pl in Cobblestone, which I mentioned the other day, which sold in February for $1,000,000, and can now be yours $1,100,000.
Other action at $1.0+
Surprising to me is that 6190 N Cadena De Montanas in La Paloma, priced at $1.0, went to contract. Goes to show you, but it’s just not one of the one’s I’d have thought would sell anytime soon.
And with 7738 N Ancient Indian Dr in Pima Canyon selling for $1,150,000 or $384/sf, it too will boost the averages.
See them all here> latest action at $1.0+
that link will expire on 6/15/09
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