this year
39 homes sold
32 (82%) sold below the $649,000 avg list price
7 sold above it
2 sold for $1.0 or more
average sale price = $497,013
median sale price = $410,000
average $/sf = $193
last year
59 homes sold
42 (71%) sold below the $646,736 avg list price
17 sold above it
6 sold for $1.0 or more
average sale price = $607,392
median sale price = $521,000
average $/sf = $223
the year before
70 homes sold
52 (74%) sold below the $708,071 avg list price
18 sold above it
12 sold for $1.0 or more
average sale price = $682,993
median sale price = $530,000
average $/sf = $238.95
79% more sales overall, 500% more sales at a 1.0+, 37% higher average sale price, 29% higher median sale price, than today.
and prices were higher yet in 06 and there were even more sales in 05. so now we’re approaching the 4th year of dwindling sales, followed by declining prices. are we there yet.
to search for Tucson Foothills Homes