on this hot, lazy and slow day in August.
And though that may be, activity in the foothills home market seems to be holding up pretty well, for August.
so far, for the month we’ve had;
31 homes go to contract –
priced $269,000 to $1,900,000
average/median list - $545,000/$419,000
average $$/sf - $181
10 homes passed from contract to Pending -
priced $180,000 to $1,175,000
average/median list - $423,132/$326,400
average $$/sf - $199
20 homes sold -
priced $240,000 to $2,100,000
average/median sold - $680,350/$455,500
average $$/sf - $198
*5 sold at a million & up
It looks as though we’ll see fewer sales in August than we did in July, but not to worry. I think August runs neck-n-neck with December for slowest month of the year.
And though the month’s not done yet, $680,350 is by far the highest average sold price for any month this year. Next highest was July -$587,791, then Feb-$539,172 and so on down from there.
And last August, 37 homes sold, and I think we’ll beat that, for an average of $620,173.
we’ll see,
see thefoothillsToday.com
to search for Tucson Foothills Homes