there are 22 homes for sale in Ventana CC from $299,000 to $8,250,000
the average list price of those 22 is $1,623,559
there are 2 under contract, one at $499,000, the other $1,040,000
which averages out to a $769,500 list price
7 have sold in the last 6 months, from $549,000 to $1,300,000
which, considering there are 22 for sale, equals about a 19 month supply of homes for sale
and the average sold price of the 7 that did sell is $803,107, less than half the average list price of the 22 for sale
I wouldn’t
on the bright side, the two highest sales, $950 & $1.3, were also the most recent sales – late July and mid August.
to find your Foothills home