For a while there we seemed to be racking up contracts and sales at a pretty good clip. The low, mid and high end started chugging along noticeably better than they had been in a long while.
And then along came September. And I noticed, here and there,
a day would go by and nothing happened, no contracts. But I figured it was just ‘one of those days. And then ‘one of those days’ turned into ‘one of those weeks’ and now it looks as if it may be ‘one of those months’.
Since September 1st we’ve had just 34 new contracts. And that’s low, double that would be more like it. And almost all 34 are huddled at the low to low-mid end of the market.
$0 - $500 = 15 contracts (175 for sale)
$501 - $750 = 16 (105 for sale)
$751 - $999 = 2 (59 for sale)
$1.0 & UP = 1 (111 for sale)
So now the question is, is it just ‘one of those months’.
There are 3 additional contracts, but they’re on short sales, and the likeliehood of them actually closing is nil. So I didn’t count them.
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