but thanks to new MLS rules restricting the use of MLS photos, you’ll be seeing a lot fewer of them on this page and other places too.
I can’t imagine what the purpose of this new rule is, or what onerous activity it’s intended to curb – that was not explained.
Effective November 1st, you will no longer be able to copy photos from the MLS. If you wish to use a photo found on the system, you will need to contact the listing agent.
I also wonder, since the new ruling says nothing about copying photos from sources other than the MLS - and since the photos from the MLS show up on dozens of public web sites - is it OK to copy them from there, the public web sites.
Like this one. It’s a dead ringer for a photo that’s also on the MLS, but I didn’t get it from the MLS, I got it from a public web site.
Who’s to know. And again, what onerous activity is this new rule intended to curb.
It's just a few hours after posting this piece and the MLS has decided that it will NOT prohibit the copying and use of photos from the MLS. And this time with an explanation:
After further review, it appears that we may not have to disable the Copy Picture function. This action was proposed due to potential liability issues for MLS, but after talking further to legal counsel the liability may not be great enough to warrant the change. As of now, there will be no change on November 1st.
Now I'd like to know what 'potential liability issues' they speak of. Any attorneys out there who might shed some light on that issue.