This is how it’s supposed to work. On Monday, the contracts from the weekend’s real estate dealings are supposed to come poring in. And it’s all the better if those contracts are for homes that haven’t been lolling around on the market for two or three years, but rather, for homes that were priced right from the start. And did well because of it. Like these.
5402 N Camino Real, a Joesler, which came and went so fast I never got around to mentioning it. Actually I was saving it for a client of mine. Oh well. This was just listed on Saturday – Built 1950/2672 sf/
4 Beds/3 Baths/1 acre/pool-spa/$799,000 ($299/sf) & gone in a flash.
And 6440 N Desert Wind Cir in Ventana Country Club Estates went to contract at $1,195,000 ($331/sf) list price. It must be a desirable home and also priced right. It’s only been on the market for 60 days and there’s a ton of other homes for sale in Ventana that have been sitting around for eons. And somebody picked this one.
2 contracts does not quite qualify as poring in, but, hey, it’s a start and it’s 2 more than last week.
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