As I often do on a Sunday, I moseyed around the foothills this afternoon - listening to Patsy Cline, Ray Charles & The Rolling Stones - and popped in on some open houses in upper-end foothills communities. But unlike my effusive report in February on the bustling open house scene – an observation – my outing today found mostly empty, or nearly empty, open houses and dejected open house agents.
I sympathize. It’s no fun to prep, set up and sit thru an open house and then have no one show. Depressing, it is.
The absence of buyers out on the street, combined with the utter lack of activity in new contracts at the upper-end, paints an increasingly bleak picture of a market that’s already in deep deep doo-doo.
If you attended an open house today, or you’re an agent who held one open, we’d love to hear how it went.
And, to be clear, I’m talking upper-end foothills homes. Let’s say $800k +. Thanks. Write in, share, get it off your chest,