I may be a little late with this, and I apologize for that, but I’ve been crazy busy, From Will Pew,
District 16 resident and parent
President - Catalina Foothills Association
Dear neighbor,
Please go to http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/cfsdbus/ and sign the petition asking the CFSD school board to remove the maintenance facility from the proposed new bus bus depot and to address ingress/egress in a manner which is not dependent upon an easement from the Junior League.
Nowhere in the 2009 bond which voters approved for improvements to the bus facility was a maintenance facility mentioned. This use is inconsistent with the surrounding properties and does not conform to Pima County Zoning or Pima County's Comprehensive Plan. If it were any entity other than a school district this use would not be allowed at that site. It is without question that the drivers deserve more adequate facilities and that is what we, the voters, approved.
Please take one or two minutes to sign the petition and, as important, forward it to your friends and neighbors (especially those living in district 16) asking them to sign the petition as well (district 16 runs all the way to Sabino Canyon, and is north of River Rd.). Please note that the website we used to host this petition will ask for a donation after you sign it, your signature will count whether you donate or not, feel free to x-out after signing.
I sincerely appreciate your time and support. The school board will be discussing this tomorrow evening (December 14th) at 6:30 pm at CFSD High School.
Thank you!
Will Pew