Here’s a look at how many homes sold so far this year, for $1,000,000 or more, compared with years past.
So far this year 39 homes sold in the Tucson Foothills for $1mil or more. But there are 4 still in escrow so we may squeak out another couple of sales before the year is up. And btw, 6 of the 39 sold were short sales or foreclosures.
Only 40 sold last year, so we’ll match or just beat that sorry record, while the high point was 125 sold in 06. And right now, with the sad state of the upper market, selling 125 (in one year) seems like a complete fairy tale. But because they were selling like crazy back then, you can see why everyone and their brother was slapping up big spec homes where ever they could squeeze one in.
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