Tucson Homes
Tucson Real Estate
This is a nifty new google chart from something called Google Trends that shows the world’s interest in a particular topic, based on the number of Google searches. In this case I entered the search terms Tucson Homes & Tucson Real Estate to see the relative number of searches from 2004 through today.
It’s been a long slippery slide, though searches for both terms appear to be up a bit for this year. Or at least were up for this year. We’ll see.
Oh, and I did try Tucson Foothills Homes etc, but there’s not enough data , i.e. searches, for google to pull together a chart for the foothills. Hey that’s cool, we’re an off the charts niche market.
I’ll play with this some more and see what other fascinating trends I’m able to unearth.
see thefoothillsToday.com
to find your Tucson Foothills home