6595 E Celsian Place sold today for $790,000 ($196/sf) off an $825,000 list price.
It sold in 03 for $850,000 and again in 05 for $875,000, and at $790,000 today the sellers did very well – just 9.7% off their 05 purchase price. A drop in the bucket.
When it was listed earlier this year at $879,000 I figured they’d be lucky to get $700k. And I admit it wasn’t my favorite house, but I kept that to myself. I have to, otherwise I get into a tiff with the owners and the listing agent and probably the Tucson Association of Realtors® too. It’s just not worth it, and maybe not fair either. Because in the end it’s just my opinion, and I’m not the one writing the check.
6595 E Celsian Place , Tucson, AZ 85750
(listed by Russ Lyon Sotheby's Int Realty)
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