First time on the market, 7373 N Camino Sin Vacas showed up today listed for $1,850,000 ($359/sf) in Sin Vacas. And it looks like a beautiful house with spectacular views.
But the reality is that Sin Vacas has never had a $1.8mil sale, or anything close to it. Not thru the MLS anyway. (highest sale was $1.5 in 2002, then three sales at $1.475, in 05, 06 & 07 - more recently, the last two years, the highest sale was $975,000)
Anything’s possible, but, the question is, is this the time to reasonably expect record breaking home prices – in Sin Vacas or anywhere else in the Tucson Foothills.
7373 N Camino Sin Vacas Tucson, AZ 85718
(listed by Realty Executives Tucson Elite)