45 single family homes sold in the Tucson Foothills in the last 30 days
(368 for sale)
31 from $0 to $599,999 (212 for sale)
12 from $600,000 to $999,999 (80 for sale)
2 from $1,000,000 to $1,500,000 (41 for sale)
*nothing sold from $1.5 to $2.0 or from $2.0 & up (35 for sale)
average/median sold price for the group was $450,751/$384,000
Months of inventory continues to be a mixed bag; overall it’s about 8 months.
While from $0 to $599k there is barely a 7 month supply and at $600 to $999k it’s 6.5 months. That’s the good news.
At $1.0 to $1.5 were looking at 20 months of inventory. And with no sales at
$1.5 and up, it’s anybody’s guess how long it will take to unload all those luxurious homes.
One things for sure though, prices have fallen from where they were at this time last year – when 41 homes sold for an average/median of $506,283/$425,00 – that’s 11% & 9.6% more than now.
And for you historians, today’s average/median sold prices are within a hairs breath of where they were at this time in 2003.
see thefoothillsToday.com
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