154 single family homes sold from Jan 1 – March 14.
118 sold from $108,000 to $580,000 (76.6% of total sales)
27 sold from $611,500 to $980,000 (17.5 of total)
9 sold from $1,015,000 to $1,700,000 (5.8% of total)
They sold for an average/median of $468,914/$383,000 at an average of $161/sf
in an average of 99 cumulative days on market (CDOM)
For the same period last year there were 137 sales.
107 sold from $137,000 to $575,000 (78% of total)
21 sold from $600,000 to $950,000 (15.3% of total)
9 sold from $1,010,000 to $1,795,000 (6.5% of total)
They sold for an average/median of $469,813/$365,000 at an average of $162/sf
in an average of 143 cumulative days on market (CDOM)
So sales are up 12% this year and they’re selling 31% faster than last year, and we’re in virtually a dead heat on selling prices. Which is all positive, even for prices. Because until very recently sale prices were still lagging those of 2012. The uptick was in the 14 days of March when sale prices jumped to $563,309/$515,750 from Jan – Feb’s average of $442,169/$369,400
Stay tuned.
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