6831 N Skyway Drive, in Vista De La Candelas, reappeared today as a foreclosure at $830,000 – after failing to sell in 5 months at $725,000 as a short sale. Though it did go to contract and, ignoring the contract, it looks like mr lender may have pulled the rug out on the deal and gone ahead and foreclosed. Not sure on that but that’s what it looks like.
And as things go in the foothills these days, 6831 may look like a lot of house for money. And it may be. But sales in the $800’s, or even $700’s, are not the norm in VDLC.
There was an $875 and an $825k sale in 05 and 06, the two highest sales in VDLC since the beginning of time. But never again, before or since then, have such heights been achieved. From there, there were two in $700’s, three in the $600’s, a handful in the $500’s with the vast majority in the $400’s and $3’s, $2’s and $1’s.
And, for what it’s worth, RealtyTrac values it at $637,958. But, regardless, someone may come along, it wouldn’t surprise me.
This is the same 6831 N Skyway Drive that I wrote about in January > trying for $1.3 in a $500k community < 6831 N Skyway Drive (listed by Prudential Arizona Properties 356307)
And 5796 N Loft Lane went to contract today listed at $549,000 after failing to sell in late 2011 and early 2012 listed at $463,000. 5796 N Loft Lane , Tucson, AZ 85718 (listed by Tierra Antigua Realty)
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