At the lower price ranges the most desirable homes are getting snapped up very quickly.
And as the inventory thins out, and they miss out on homes where they were outbid, buyers are now doubling back and reconsidering homes that they had initially passed over. It’s supply and demand in living color, and now with the double whammy of rising interest rates there’s even more urgency. And of course no such drama exists at the upper end of the market which continues to be in a deep and surprisingly peaceful siesta.
Over in Cat 9 6521 N Altos Tercero was listed 398 days ago for $525,000, then dropped to $489,500 and went to contract today. It also sold in 2010 for $489,000. (listed by Long Realty)
And in Fairfield 4950 N Via Velazquez was listed today at $499,000 and immediately went to contract. (listed by Long Realty)
5420 N Apache Hills Trail, listed at $474,500, is in contract after 4 days, (listed by Tierra Antigua Realty)
4742 N Tomnitz Pl, $399,900, is gone in 5 days. (listed by Long Realty)
5431 N Agave Drive, listed 325 days ago, finally found a buyer. (listed by Long Realty)
1700 E Calle De La Culebra, an attractive house in Shadow Hills that started out 269 days ago at $699,000 also found a buyer, but not until it dropped to $559,000. (listed by Long Realty)
In the Villages at La Paloma, 6250 N Via Jaspeada is gone after 15 days listed at $574,600. (listed by Long Realty)
Listed at $629,500, 4441 N Pontatoc Road took 99 days but it too is gone. (listed by Long Realty)
See them all HERE
+ a few sales;
5498 N Stonehouse Place sold in 9 days for $395,000. (listed by Long Realty)
4840 N Valley View Road sold for $430,000 in 4 days. (listed by Long Realty)
5780 E Calle Del Ciervo dilly-dallied for 44 days before finding a buyer at $415,000. (listed by Long Realty)
Likewise with 5950 E Fort Crittendon Trail, 87 days, but it’s gone at $536,000. (listed by Tierra Antigua Realty)
5220 N Via Condesa was listed at $685,000 and sold in 4 days at $685,000. (listed by Long Realty)
4840 N Hacienda Del Sol took just a little bit longer. Listed 262 days ago at $939,000 and eventually dropping to $879,000 it sold for $830,000. (listed by Long Realty)
and let’s not forget the sale in Canyon Ranch for $3,411,450
See them HERE
to find your Catalina Foothills home