I'm pleased to report that my new web site is up and running and available at the same address; > www.TheFoothillsToday.com <
All of the home searches, including the Custom Search, the Quick Searches and Search By Subdivision are working nicely, as are most of the other links.
Just Listed/Sold & Reduced is not quite there yet and will come online early next week. And while I’m sure there are a few other, as yet, undiscovered glitches, all the important stuff is there and ready to go.
If you had searches saved on my old site you can recreate them on the new site and receive email updates of newly listed homes and price reduced homes that meet your criteria.
I hope this new site works well for you and I look forward to your comments, questions and suggestions.
Thank you,
John Schneider
see the new - thefoothillsToday.com
to find your Tucson Foothills home