There’s lull in real estate activity at the moment, the moment being the month of August, so, to fill the gap, here’s a look at YTD sales for this year vs. the same period last year for single family homes sold in the Catalina Foothills.
Last Year;
529 total Sold at average/median - $461,152/$368,000 in an average of 128 days on market
425 sold from $0 to $599,999
72 sold from $600,000 to $999,999
32 sold from $1,000,000 & UP
This Year;
590 total Sold at average/median – $467,799/$396,350 in an average of 98 days on market
468 sold from $0 to $599,999
97 sold from $600,000 to $999,999
25 sold from $1,000,000 & UP
The Score;
sales are up 11.5% overall this year
sales from $0 to $599,999 are up 10%
sales at $600,000 to $999,999 are up 34%
and sales at $1,000,000+ are down 22%
average/median sold prices are up 1.4% & 7.7% respectively, and days on market are down 23%.
An improvement from last year, for sure, but not the frenzy and wildly escalating prices being tossed around by the national media either.
see thefoothillsToday.comto find your Catalina Foothills home