We went thru a long dry spell on contracts for upper-end homes in the Tucson Foothills – 56 days and nothing. From July 1st to August 25th not one home listed at $1,000,000+ went to contract. Then on August 26th a house listed at $2.2 went to contract and on that same day another, in Pima Canyon, also went to contract.
Then on 9/11 Gated Ridge Rd, listed at $1,299,000, went to contract and now 7582 N Mystic Canyon Drive in Pima Cyn, listed by Long Realty at $1,195,000 is reported in contract.
So maybe, hopefully, it is. Notice too, though, that 2 of the 4 recent contracts are in Pima Canyon – which, hands down, continues to outsell all of the other luxe communities in the foothills.
Of the 25 homes sold at $1,000,000+ this year 8 were in PC, 3 in Finisterra, 3 in Cobblestone, 2 in Hacienda del Sol, 1 in Canyon Ranch, 1 in La Paloma, 1 in La Puerta, 1 in Ventana Canyon Mountain Estates, 1 in Sabino Mountain, 1 in Las Vistas Encantada, 1 in unsubdivided area, 1 in Catalina Foothills Estates 2, 1 in Alta Vista.
see TheFoothillsToday.com
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