3451 E Nugget Canyon Place was listed 3 days ago for $326,000 ($180/sf) – a tad high, I thought, for what it is. But someone who was actually writing the check saw it differently, and it is on one of the nicest lots in the Clusters.
7 homes sold in the Clusters in the last 6 months in an average of 39 DOM.
Excluding the Clusters, but keeping to that same price range, 148 homes sold in the overall foothills market in an average of 85 days.
Clusters is pretty easy to comp and the overpriced homes, and there are some, are not selling.
3451 E Nugget Canyon Place Tucson, AZ 85718
(listed by Russ Lyon Sotheby's International Realty 472203) **link will expire on 4/17/14
see thefoothillsToday.com
to find your Catalina Foothills home