I’d heard from various sources that the Country Club was having financial difficulties, but never wrote about it because my information was piecemeal and unofficial, and this is a pretty touchy issue. But a home owner that I helped buy in Skyline a few years ago sent me this article that was published yesterday in the AZ Daily Star - Plan to save Skyline Country Club relies on non-member homeowners So the cat’s out of the bag.
Photo credit: Ron Medvescek / Arizona Daily Star
To me, the resolution doesn’t seem fair. The non-member home owners are shouldering a heavy load to rescue the club. And in return they get what they originally bargained for when they bought in Skyline – a home in an attractive and functioning golf course community – plus a few crumbs - monthly dinners at the club and — after two years — one day a month of free tennis. And after three years, one free round of golf each month. Gee wiz.
But who am I to stir the pot, 80 percent of homeowners voted on the proposal, and 86 percent of those voted in favor. So everyone in Skyline now has a vested interest in the success of the CC. Make it a better, more appealing and attractive club, and more home owners will join up, tee up and pay up.
I wish them the very best. Skyline is a very special place, nothing else like it in Tucson.
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