In Pima Canyon, 7264 N Ancient Mesa Pl is in contract listed at $1,395,000 ($262/sf) after a relatively brief 146 days on market.
Ancient Mesa has an interesting past. It started out as a not-yet-completed spec home in August 2008 (OOOPS!) asking $2.5, but of course no one took the bait and by July 2009, work had stopped months ago and it still wasn’t completed, mr lender swooped in and took it back. And before you could say National Bank of Arizona they sold it directly to a buyer for the incredible bargain price of $750,000. That buyer finished it and sold in 2010 for $1,475,000. And, priced right, here it goes again.
Another tidbit - back in 08 –09, and before, the street name was Calle Sin Envidia (street without envy) and somewhere along the line it was changed to Ancient Mesa Pl.
I’m guessing because someone figured out that buyers would assume that Calle Sin Envidia was in Sin Vacas - the subdivision just east of PC, where everything is Calle or Camino Sin something or other, Sin Vacas (without cows) Camino Sin Muerta (road without death) Camino Sin Ruido (road without noise) - rather than behind the pearly gates of Pima Canyon.
7264 N Ancient Mesa Place Tucson, AZ 85718
(listed by Long Realty)
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