Let's have a look and see what's what!
And let’s start with a classic, the ever popular Shadow Hills.
Popular because of its excellent foothills location, large lots with a variety of home sizes and styles and quiet meandering streets where kids and grownups feel safe walking, biking and gathering. And prices that aren’t off the charts, and, it’s in District 16.
7 homes for sale from $375,000 to $639,000 - median list is $599,000
2 in contract at $584,900 & $749,500 - median list $667,200
12 sold in the last 6 months from $360,000 to $765,000 - median sold is $587,500 (3 years ago the median sold was $439,000)
7 for sale and 12 sold = a skimpy 3.5 months of inventory – good for sellers, difficult for buyers
and, the 12 homes sold in just 24 CDOM (cumulative days on market - includes relistings within 30 days)
Next up Foothills Clusters, sorta like Shadow Hills, but smaller homes on smaller lots and lower priced - with a wonderful high-up in the foothills location,
0 for sale
5 in contract from $255,000 to $415,000 - median list $315,000
7 sold in last 6 months from $212,000 to $360,000 - median sold $322,000
sellers are calling the shots in Foothills Clusters
Sin Vacas, (no cows) guard gated, upper middle to upper-end $$, Sin Vacas climbs high into the Catalinas offering mountain and City views and streets with distinctive names - like Calle Sin Controversia (Street with no controversy), Placita Sin Codicia (street with no greed) and many others including the most desirable street of all - Placita Sin Muerte - street without death.
5 for sale at $635,000 to $1,445,000 - median list $788,000
0 in contract
6 sold in the last 6 months from $500,000 to $800,000 - median sold $617,225
Skyline Bel Air, great central foothills location, location …with buyers putting $$ into renovating older homes and sellers who have already done so, selling them - most built in the 60’s and 70’s.
4 for sale from $392,500 to $549,900 - median list $510,000
3 in contract from $520,000 to $629,900 - median list $530,000
12 sold in the last 6 months from $245,000 to $680,000 - median sold $450,625
= a very skimpy 2 months of inventory with homes selling at 99% of list price
Alta Vista, upper middle to upper-upper $$, east foothills location, most homes built in the 90’s to 2000’s, styles run from SW contemporary, Mediterranean to Sante Fe and that pretty much covers it. Popular with families,
12 for sale from $739,900 to $1,475,000 - median list $1,097,000
2 in contract at $663,000 & $995,000 - median list $829,000
9 sold in the last 6 months, 8 from $580,000 to $869,000 + 1 at $1,995,000 - median sold $800,000
gosh, $1,995,000, the 2nd highest sale ever in Alta Vista. Numero uno was $2,185,000 in 2009.
Cimarron, lower to upper middle $$, east foothills location, homes built from the mid 70’s into the 90’s, some with incredible mountain views.
12 for sale from $430,000 to $999,000 - median list is $600,450
3 in contract from $350,000 to $790,000 - median list is $399,000
5 sold in last 6 months from $367,000 to $860,000 - median sold is $595,000
with 12 for sale and only 5 sold in the last 6 months Cim is currently holding14 months of inventory - and that's more than double (6 months) which is considered a normal balanced market. On the bright side median list ($600,450) and median sold prices ($595,000) are very much in line.
Fairfield/Sunrise, you name it F/S has it.
From 1500sf townhomes to 4000+sf SFR’s. In it’s various guises it attracts empty nesters, snow birds, families and first time buyers and more. And it covers a lot of ground too, spreading from just west of Kolb Rd all the way west to Craycroft, with homes built from the 70’s – 90’s. Sticking with Single family homes there are;
5 for sale, 4 are from $425,000 to $659,900 + 1 at $1,450,000 - median list $600,000
5 in contract from $310,000 to $670,000 - median list $399,000
7 sold in the last 6 months from $270,000 to $650,000 - median sold $430,000
Since 2000 484 homes have sold in Fairfield/Sunrise and just 2 of them sold for $1million or more - 1 at $1,265,000 the other at $1,300,000.
Ventana CC
Gated and golf in a serene and luxurious setting with the dramatic peaks of the Catalina Mountains as a backdrop.
22 homes for sale from $375,000 to $1,750,000 - median list is $799,500
2 in contract at $679,000 & $1,650,000
21 sold in the last 6 months from $375,000 to $3,000,000 - what a range, no kidding, and all behind the same gate, breathing the same air - median sold is $690,000.
6 months inventory, Happy times for Ventana CC. A few years ago there were 38 for sale and just 15 sold in the last 6 months and the median sold price was $490,000.
Pima Canyon, it's no longer new but it is still the newest upper-end gated community in the foothills and with the largest selection of newer homes - that is, homes built from 2000 thru today. Very popular with 2nd home owners, retirees, but also families with kids.
11 for sale from $899,000 to $2,195,000 for a spec home that's under construction - median list is $1,795,000
0 in contract, odd but true.
10 sold in the last 6 from $725,000 to $1,500,000 - median sold is $1,035,250
More high-end homes have sold in PC in the last 6 months than in any other high-end community - why, my opinion - more newer homes than anywhere else and, no golf. More buyers want newer homes and the popularity of golf is waning and along with it the desire to live in a golf community.
Stay tuned, I'll pick this up again in a few days and have a look at the action in other Catalina Foothills subdivisions.
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