The following is a snapshot of real estate activity in the Catalina Foothills single family home market for October 2021.
(sold #'s updated 11/5)
62 single family homes sold at $685,000 median sold price in 7 median days on market
Lowest sale price was $380,000 / highest was $1,950,000...
Keep in mind that closed sales are a lagging indicator. Sales that took place in October are the result of deals that were made and the market as it was approximately 20 to 60 days ago - so, in this case, from August thru early October.
86 new listings in October, listed at $717,500 median list price.
Lowest list price was $360,000 / highest was $4,000,000
83 homes went to contract in October (including 56 of the homes that were just listed in October)
median list price of the 83 in contract is $700,000 and they went to contract in 8 median days on market.
There are just 95 single family homes for sale in the Catalina Foothills (85718 & 85750) and they're priced from $386,000 to $9,995,000 which, as you might imagine, results in a very thin selection of homes in almost all price ranges and makes for a challenging time to be a home buyer.
Check out the Market Snapshot to quickly see the number of homes for sale, in contract and recently sold in 8 price ranges.
Please contact me if you have a question or would like my help navigating the Catalina Foothills real estate market.
Thanks for stopping by
John Schneider /RealtorĀ®
Tierra Antigua Realty
[email protected]
520 271-4164
Take care, stay well
to find your very own Catalina Foothills Home