If you're looking for a home in the Catalina Foothills (in 85718 & 85750) being mindful of the difference in median list and sold prices in those two foothills zip codes may provide a helpful input to your search. MSP=Median Sold Price // MLP=Median List Price
Have a look at the MSP for the 595 homes sold in 2023
85718 & 85750 combined = MSP $780,000
85718 MSP = $836,500
85750 MSP = $699,001
= 85718 sold for +19.67% higher MSP than 85750
And, not surprisingly, looking at the homes for sale today in 85718 & 85750 shows that homes in 85718 are listed +27.46% higher than those in 85750.
85718 - 47 homes listed for sale today = MLP $1,195,000
85750 - 67 homes listed for sale today = MLP $937,500
(Links will expire 3/01/2024 & the status of each home shown online will change as the listing goes to contract and sells or is otherwise changed)
Undoubtedly you will also find differences, some big some not so big, in the median list and sold prices in various foothills subdivisions. Click here to see a sample of median sold prices in a small variety of foothills subdivisions.
Thanks for stopping by,
If you have a question, would like my help or would like to chat about Catalina Foothills real estate, I look forward to hearing from you.
John Schneider/Realtor®
Tierra Antigua Realty
Catalina Foothills Homes
[email protected]
520 271-4164
Visit my website TheFoothillsToday.com
to find your very own Catalina Foothills Home
The homes noted in this post are homes that have been listed and sold by us, the Realtors® of the Multiple Listing Service of Southern Arizona, the MLSSAZ