Since January 1st, 2024,
75 homes have sold for up to $999,999
$708,100 MSP / 33 MDOM / 32 were Cash Sales
25 sold in 0 -10 DOM
32 homes have sold at $1m+
$1,491,000 MSP /15 MDOM / 17 were Cash Sales
15 sold in 0 -10 DOM
Yes, sales at $1m+ are flying even faster
(links expire 4/4/ 2024)
MSP - Medium Sold Price / DOM- Days on Market / MDOM - Median Days on Market
Thanks for stopping by,
I look forward to your questions, suggestions and comments.
John Schneider/Realtor®
Tierra Antigua Realty
Catalina Foothills Homes
[email protected]
520 271-4164
Visit my website
to find your very own Catalina Foothills Home
The homes noted in this post are homes that have been listed and sold by us, the Realtors® of the Multiple Listing Service of Southern Arizona, the MLSSAZ