There are:
● 180 Homes for Sale > $995,000 MLP / 70 MDOM & counting
● 72 Homes in Contract > $825,000 MLP / 45 MDOM
● 61 Homes Sold > $750,000 MSP for 97.5% of OMLP in (get this) 13 MDOM (Sold last 30 days/Links Expire 12/22/24)
** MLP = Median List Price // OMLP = Original Median List Price // MSP = Median Sold Price // MDOM = Median Days on Market
The market is now speaking loudly, advising all who will listen - "well priced desirable homes are selling quickly and for close to list price, the others are not "
Unlike back then, 2021 - 2022, when almost everything sold for list $$ or over list in the bat of an eye - when, in fact, all 1,667 homes sold in 21 - 22 sold for 100% of their Original Median List Price in 6 MDOM.
Yes, OMLP for all 1,667 homes was $725,000 and the MSP was also $725,000. That's about as tidy as it gets.
But this is not then, this is now and in this market buyers are more discerning.
Catalina Foothills Homes
With The Real Scoop on The Foothills Market |
John Schneider, Realtor® | Tierra Antigua Realty
[email protected] | 520 271- 4164 ________________________________________________________________________________________________
The homes noted in this post are homes that have been listed and sold by us, the Realtors® of the Multiple Listing Service of Southern Arizona, the MLSSAZ