On numerous occasions recently I’ve pointed out that the supposed recovery of the real estate market, and, more specifically, home sales in the Catalina Foothills, remain lackluster.
And lackluster performance is not unique to us. Many areas across the country have experienced and continue to experience similar or worse conditions.
And just in time, in steps Realtor® Mag, the OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® to the rescue. And they have a long history of coming to the rescue with just the right advice at just the right time. Remember their ad campaign in the early days of the real estate bust “it’s a great time to buy or sell a home”
From Inman News; July 2014
Realtor.com’s new economist won’t tell you ‘It’s a great time to buy or sell a home’
In the fall of 2006, as the world hurtled toward a financial crisis precipitated by loose mortgage lending practices that fueled one of the greatest housing bubbles in U.S. history, the National Association of Realtors launched a $40 million advertising campaign advising consumers that “It’s a great time to buy or sell a home.”
As it turned out, it was a great time to sell a home, if you could — prices in many markets had already peaked, and inventories were climbing. But many who bought at the tail end of the boom soon found themselves underwater.
(further down in the article Jonathan Smoke, the new economist for Realtor.com is quoted as saying’'; “I’ve personally never made a decision to buy or sell a home based on what the talking heads are saying, so I’m never going to presume that I can tell the entire market that they should be buying or selling.”
Read all about it
Well that’s very reassuring. But, my how things change, and so quickly too.
Looky here, six months later, in an article out just yesterday, (February 4, 2015) on Realtor® Mag, that very same Mr. Smoke, proclaims;
“Delayed purchases will only result in higher monthly mortgage payments as prices and rates rise,” Smoke writes. Realtor.com® is forecasting that affordability may decline as much as 10 percent over the year. [and he makes no bones about it, “… move fast…Delayed purchases will result …”and 10%, wow]
If you google “it’s a great time to buy or sell a home” you’ll find that the mantra has already been picked up and is being regurgitated by the news media and other reputable sources.
My advice, have a large grain of salt handy when reading these “advice” columns.
see TheFoothillsToday.com
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